Kayte Kitchen

B. App. Sci (H.M), Grad. Dip (Education), Grad. Cert (Counselling), Cert 3 (Horticulture)

Kayte Kitchen is joining our team as our Horticultural therapist. With a background in health, education, counselling and horticulture. Kayte is passionate about connecting people back into the rhythms and wonder of nature and allowing this to help them grow. 

She has a unique ability to create helpful spaces in nature that equip and nourish people as they learn to observe nature and themselves. 
Kayte is a member of Therapeutic Horticulture Australia and is a keen nature lover. 

Kayte’s sessions combine practical mindfulness skills, nature based activities and a safe space for learning and growing. 

Sessions are conducted outside in all seasons, in (almost) all conditions.  Hats, gumboots and rain jackets can be provided.