About Life Therapies Victoria

Life Therapies Victoria (LTV) was founded in March 2020 by Zoe Broomhead and Matt Glover, with little idea of what the following years would hold regarding the global pandemic. Navigating lock downs, masks, vaccinations and heightened levels of community anxiety made for an ‘interesting’ beginning. However, COVID-19 helped develop the shape of LTV to best contribute to your health and wellbeing.

Life Therapies Victoria understands that you are an individual, with your own unique story, challenges and needs.  We believe an integrated, tailored approach to therapy is the most effective way to support your health and wellbeing. This philosophy means we offer a wide range of therapeutic opportunities for you to explore, so you can discover what suits you best. You may even combine different therapies at different times, for example counselling sessions with a forest therapy experience.

All our therapists are qualified, passionate, experts in their field and offer evidence-based therapeutic practices that can be shaped to address your needs. During your initial consultation, you will be guided on suitable options.

Your therapy program may include:

Counselling /psychotherapy

Forest Therapy

Yoga Therapy

Art Therapy

Clay Therapy

Sculpture Therapy

Nature Play for Kids


Sand Play

Horticulture Therapy

Walk and Talk Therapy

Massage Therapy

Plus more!

Our goal is to discover what kind of therapy works for you and then tailor your health plan for you to have the best possible experience.